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Stencil Statements

I can’t say enough about the street art here in Bogota, but I don’t really have to as the art often speaks for itself.

Solo Bogota

I needed to hit a mileage requirement in order to keep my Gold status, so I took a look at a map and a mileage calculator and narrowed down a few destinations that met the requirements. In the end it came down between South Africa and Colombia. Colombia won out by a hair. I’m not gonna lie, I was a little nervous given Colombia’s stigma as a dangerous place, but before I knew it I was out roaming the streets with little concern for safety, even in this giant city.

Going Up

En route to see the majestic Machu-Picchu we flew into Cusco, Peru and at an elevation of 11,200 feet it feels as if we have yet to land. Just walking up a flight of stairs will get you winded — even if you’re in shape. At breakfast in the morning they serve tea made from coco leaves to help with the altitude sickness and oxygen deprivation.

NOTE: This post was created after having my laptop stolen in Mendoza. So the photos and details are sparse.

The Advanced Engineering of Machu Picchu

One of the New 7 Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu is a miracle of ancient architecture and engineering. It’s amazing how such an ancient civilization was so precise with the construction of their city perched on the edge of a mountain. It sort of makes you wonder if for all of the advancement of our modern world today, have we progressed far enough?

NOTE: This post was created after having my laptop stolen in Mendoza. So the photos and details are sparse.

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