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Grinning And Bearing And Grinning Again

Boarded a little puddle jumper today just outside of the town in Kodiak and bopped around the island, spotting some whales in the ocean and bison in the fields in the process. After about 45 minutes of breathtaking sights from the air we touched down in a little lake and waded to shore in our gaiters. We hiked for about 10 minutes down a trail when I turned a corner and was face to face with a momma bear heading right towards me. Our pilot/guide instructed us to give her the right-of-way and move off the trail, which we promptly did, allowing her to pass. She couldn’t have been more than 8 feet away at one point. She definitely smelled and saw us, but luckily she didn’t feel threatened. I can’t say the same for us though, she was BIG!


The great thing about Alaska so far, and Kodiak in particular is that it feel so natural and un-tampered-with. It’s a great place to “get away from it all.”

See Weed

I finally made it to Alaska! After a late-night arrival into Anchorage and an early morning connection to Kodiak we rented a car and cruised down to the bay to walk around and try and adjust to the extended daylight.

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